62 series
Bearing componentmaterial quallty diractly decides the service life of the bearing,the rallablllty
and performance.
BMT brand bearing snap ring and ball applyless alloycontent,good pertormance,the most widely
used highcarbon chromlumbearing made of Ger15
The precision of bearing contalns precision and rotating accuaracy dimension prection is a project
that mount on shafts,it Includes insid ed lameter,outside dlameter,width,chamfer size toleranceor
allowed value.Geometric accuracy Includ diameter devlation,average inner diameter deviation,out.
side dlameter deviation,average dlameter ringwldth devlation in single radialplane.rotation accuracy
Is rotating Pendulum,Including the Inner ring and outer ringradial awing and the axlal runout,Side of
Innor ring and outer diameter surface perpendicularity tolerancerange.
Bearing precislon grade from general grade 0 to 6,5,grade 4and grade2, Inturn,below istablea
comparison betwe en preeision class of china GB 307 and other precision standard.
Glant bearing precision grade ls from grade 6,5, 4 and 2 levels offour grades.